This is an extract from my full review, which can be read at If These Books Could Talk
It’s 1932 and Sheldon Sampson has lost everything in the infamous Wall Street crash, but while soup kitchens and job lines are forming around him, he’s concentrating on getting to the mysterious island he’s been shown in his dreams. Insistent that it’s discovery will solve all of America’s woes, he assembles a team, including his brother Walter and lover Grace, to sail to the island and find out it’s secrets. What they find makes them superheroes, and as we move to the present day, it’s clear that while they may be heroes to the World they save, they’re not the best at parenting their offspring. Can the children of superheroes learn from their parents mistakes and do they even want to take up their mantels in the first place? Mark Millar (Kick Ass, Civil War, Kingsmen) and artist Frank Quietly ( New X-Men, Multiversity, Absolute Batman and Robin) take the reader across time lines in ‘Jupiter’s Legacy‘ with the themes of loyalty and responsibility explored along the way.
Make no mistake, ‘Jupiter’s Legacy‘ plot is far from original. While the origin of the powers bestowed upon the team may be new, the ensuing betrayal, split factions, sneaking around, and general chaos it all causes is far too reminiscent of previous stories from Millar and others to come across as anything other than corny.
What really makes ‘Jupiter’s Legacy‘ really stand out is Frank Quietly’s art. Fabulous colours, great line work, and some great panel placement make the story flow seamlessly. Quietly also uses different colour palettes for each era, with the muted browns, blues and greys representing Depression era America and the teams travels to the mysterious island being the most effective. There’s never any doubt as to what’s occurring in the story either as Quietly keeps his character work distinctive, clean and easily identifiable.
‘Jupiter’s Legacy‘ is due to be adapted for the big screen, following Millar’s other successes Kick Ass and Kingsmen (also, don’t forget his contribution to the upcoming Captain America 3: Civil War) and I think it could work brilliantly as long as it sticks to a liner time line and works on those characterisations. If you want to be ‘in the know’ before that movie starts production, then I highly recommend checking the collected issues out.